The Bloomington Parks Foundation is proud to fund a new program started in 2015 by the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, who runs successful after-school programs for students at Fairview. Recently, the after-school program has included a chess club. Numerous community volunteers give their time to instruct and play chess with students of Fairview, offering students positive experiences and intellectual benefits. Local business people, high school and college students, and retirees give an hour of their time to interact with, instruct and enjoy students who are learning chess.
Growing out of this successful program, a new Sunday Crestmont Chess Program was created through funding by the Parks Foundation. This new program is held at the Crestmont Community Center and is open to all ages on Sunday afternoons, providing an additional positive and fun opportunity outside of the school week.
The Parks Foundation is proud to support and partner with this valuable community effort. Many thanks to all those who are making this positive impact on our community!